Kirk Sorensen is a founder of Flibe Energy and currently serves as President and Chief Technical Officer in Huntsville, Alabama. He’s an advocate for nuclear energy based on thorium and liquid-fluoride fuels. For five years he has authored the blog Energy from Thorium and helped grow an online community of thousands who support a renewed effort to develop thorium as an energy source. He is a 1999 graduate of Georgia Tech in aerospace engineering and is also a graduate student in nuclear engineering at the University of Tennessee. He has spoken publicly on thorium at the Manchester International Forum in 2009, at NASA’s Green Energy Forum in 2008, and in several TechTalks at Google.
In 2011, we were honoured to have Kirk as one of our event speakers. His TEDx talk on Thorium at last year’s TEDxYYC event has since been picked up by, and has been viewed over 200,000 times. It continues to offer valuable insight into one of the most viable solutions to the ever looming global energy crisis.
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