Kelcie Miller-Anderson | Disability and its Intriguing Advantage for Innovation
An acclaimed innovator and social entrepreneur, Kelcie Miller-Anderson started her research into developing novel remediation methods for the Alberta Oil Sands at just 15 years old. By age 21 she had founded her first company, MycoRemedy, and set her sights on remediating the world with her innovative fungi-based approaches to remediation.
As both a dedicated environmentalist and industry advocate she has been named one of Canada’s Top 20 Under 20, Next 36, and the youngest ever Rising Star in Canadian Oil and Gas. Her journey as a young scientist has taken her through the Northwest Passage in Northern Canada, and deep into the coral reefs of Cuba.
Miller-Anderson has struggled with chronic illness her entire life, and was recently diagnosed with two rare genetic conditions. Despite having to sleep up to 20 hours in a 24 hour period, she has never let her illnesses deter her from building both her company, MycoRemedy, and nonprofit, The Dandelion Project.