Robin Winsor | Preparing for a future with Artificial Intelligence
Robin Winsor is a highly influential visionary and executive in the technology field, who is known for being both a playful and provocative agent of change. Born in Scotland, Winsor grew up with a passion for both science and adventure, moving to Canada in 1982 to pursue both. Over the course of his extraordinary career, he invented the world’s first direct digital x-ray imaging device, and has led a
not-for-profit technology accelerator to become one of Canada’s most vocal champions for the digitally disadvantaged. While working as a research physicist, he represented Canada at the 1984 world skydiving championships. During his skydiving career, Winsor made over 1,000 jumps (and broke a dozen bones), before officially retiring from the sport.
He joined Cybera (the not-for-profit operator of Alberta’s Research and Education Network) as President and CEO in 2010. Under his leadership, the company’s mandate has expanded to provide digital services to Alberta’s K-12, startup, First Nations and public sectors. Cybera is now widely credited for overseeing the continuous development of Alberta’s cyberinfrastructure, while advocating both nationally and internationally for improvements to the availability and accessibility of technology, for all Canadians.
Winsor is a past recipient of a Manning Innovation Award, the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award, and in 2012, received a Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal for outstanding service to Canada. He holds multiple patents and has authored standards used across multiple industries. He is widely sought after as a speaker on the future of technology.