What would you create if you couldn’t fail? What form would your voice take, given the time and space to explore it? These questions are exactly what the TEDxYYC Artist in Residence (AiR) Program is built to explore with an emerging, local artist.
AiR Program Coordinator Chelsea speaks passionately about the invaluable role of the arts in our lives and in society, and is excited to give a local artist an opportunity to ‘test their wings’ in a safe and supportive environment.
‘Art really gets to the belly of the beast. Every aspect of our lives is shaped by art, whether we see that or not. This is why supporting emerging artists is so important.’ – Chelsea
What is the TEDxYYC AiR Program?
The AiR Program is designed to supplement the costs of the time and materials for a local artist to create a piece of visual art that will ultimately be displayed at the TEDx YYC Conference in June, but will remain the artist’s property. Chelsea is quick to point out that while there is an intended outcome, the program is far more about the journey of creation, not the end product. Along with the supplemented costs, the program also offers an opportunity for the artist selected to walk through the creative process hand-in-hand with a mentor who will provide feedback, resources, and most importantly, valuable connections to the local community of other artists and mentors who can provide their own resources and support.
While artistic guidance is part of what the selected artists will receive if she/he asks for it, Chelsea stresses that the value of the mentorship offered is its ability to ‘illuminate the path’ to becoming and being a professional artist.
Applying for the TEDxYYC AiR Program
The initial phase of the AiR application process is now open. In this phase, Chelsea and the TEDxYYC team are looking to discover who YOU are as an artist, and why you want to be involved with TEDxYYC. Ultimately the selected artist will be involved in the overall development of TEDxYYC 2018, and it is important to the team that not only is the artists a good fit, but that TEDx is a good fit for the artist, too.
In the second phase of the application process, shortlisted candidates will be contacted with the theme for TEDxYYC 2018. This will allow the shortlisted artists to consider and interpret the theme in order to submit a final proposal for selection. All types of visual art will be considered, and there is a great deal of flexibility in the interpretation of the theme, and how the piece comes together.
While the exposure provided by participation in the AiR Program is valuable, Chelsea is quick to point out that the program is so much more than that. Offering a complete experience from application through creation and display, the TEDxYCC AiR is a unique and truly valuable experience for an emerging artist.
Everyone is welcome to apply. ‘We want to artists hiding in the cracks and crevices of Calgary’ Chelsea notes. ‘Let’s see all the colours that make up the mosaic of Calgary out there.’ Chelsea would like for the AiR program to play an active role in shaping Calgary’s view of and participation in art in all it’s forms, and would love for you to be a part of that.
Applications for the first phase are NOW OPEN. Get all of the details and apply here.