


Naheed Nenshi

Naheed Nenshi

Naheed Nenshi is a passionate Calgarian, an accomplished business professional, and a
community leader with a solid track record of getting things done.

Yolanda Sargeant

Yolanda Sargeant

Yolanda Sargeant is the Queen of Lo-Fi Soul. A genre that she and her producer Comrade (Evgeniy) pioneered after not being able to find an appropriate label that fits their eclectic style.

Zaire Ink

Zaire Ink

Zaire is an emerging hip-hop artist with deep roots in spoken word poetry.

Sujeev Chohan

Sujeev Chohan

As a student of both the Indian Classical and Western Classical arts, Sujeev has been learning and performing music from a very young age.

Shelley Youngblut

Shelley Youngblut

Shelley Youngblut connects the world’s best authors with the world’s best audiences as the CEO & Creative Ringleader of Wordfest.

Louise Halfe

Louise Halfe

Louise Bernice Halfe, also known as Sky Dancer, was raised on Saddle Lake Reserve and attended Blue Quills Residential School.

Julie Sedivy

Julie Sedivy

Julie Sedivy spends her time thinking and writing about how people succeed and fail at communicating with each other and how they might transcend the barriers of differences in identity, personal history, and values.

Paul Johnston

Paul Johnston

Paul A. Johnston is an Associate Professor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Mount Royal University.

Kaysi Fagan

Kaysi Fagan

Kaysi Fagan is an award-winning lawyer, educator and public speaker. She is the only practicing Criminal Defence Lawyer in Canada with three law degrees (including two Masters) from three different countries.

Dr. Gabrielle Lindstrom

Dr. Gabrielle Lindstrom

Dr. Gabrielle E. Lindstrom, Tsaapinaki, is a member of the Kainai Nation, Blackfoot Confederacy. Dr. Lindstrom is an assistant professor in Indigenous Studies with the Department of Humanities at Mount Royal University, Calgary, Alberta.

Dr. Morgan Vanek

Dr. Morgan Vanek

Dr. Morgan Vanek is an Assistant Professor in the Department of English at the University of Calgary. Her research includes writing about weather and climate from British literature in the 18th century.

Mackenzie Putici

Mackenzie Putici

Mackenzie is a co-founder of Web3 Calgary, an entrepreneur, polyglot, avid traveler, and certified sommelier.

Alia Aluma

Alia Aluma

Alia is an independent creative director working in the fields of app development, fine art, and cultural wellbeing with numerous organizations, including Downtown Calgary Association, Alcove, ADVANCE Canada, and LaLoba.


What would you do if you could reimagine anything?

If you could wake up tomorrow and reimagine the person you are, to the person you want to be. We can become whatever we want to be, we can do whatever we want to do, all it takes is a little imagination.

We believe sharing ideas about our future is essential in building a stronger community; and what better way to do that than by attending one of the most exciting, most talked about events in Calgary?


Stay up to date on all things TEDxYYC
TEDxYYC 2021: Your Experience… Re-Imagined!

TEDxYYC 2021: Your Experience… Re-Imagined!

TEDxYYC 2021 is coming up fast and we are so excited! In line with this year’s theme, we are reimagining what our typical attendee experience will be like. With our shift to a virtual format, we can welcome an even bigger audience from home, a café, a...

Yoga & Meditation – Free Public Event, June 20

Yoga & Meditation – Free Public Event, June 20

TEDxYYC 2021 Reimagine: Yoga and Meditation Event Join TEDxYYC for a complimentary yoga and guided meditation on Sunday, June 20 at 2:00-3:00pm. We'll be at the ContainR park at Sunnyside, register for this free event (link below). This year's TEDxYYC theme is...